Before you fill out your application, please have the following information readily available to complete the process efficiently:
Project information
- Choice of project track (see BioGENEius Program page)
- Project Title (concise!)
- Project Abstract (250 words or less)
- Project Description (layman’s language; 50 words or less)
- A PDF of your entire poster (100MB or less) – see poster guidelines
Student Applicant Information
- First name, Last name
- Address (street, city, state/province, postal code, country)
- Email address
- Phone number (to reach applicant, preferably mobile)
- Grade level
- Date of birth
- Headshot (portrait mode, shoulders up, >1.5MB resolution, jpg or png format)
Parent/Guardian Information
- First name, Last name
- Address (street, city, state/province, postal code, country)
(If different from applicant)
- Email address
- Phone number (to reach parent/guardian, preferably mobile)
School Information
- Name
- Address (street, city, state/province, postal code, country)
- Main phone number
Mentor Information
- First name, Last name
- Title
- Organization affiliation type
- Address (street, city, state/province, postal code, country)
- Email address
- Phone number (to reach mentor, preferably mobile)
Once you have completed this information, you will have an opportunity to review it and revise your entries before submitting, saving it later for editing or completing some of the final information requests.
Important: please read and acknowledge the Rules and Guidelines below to begin your application.
Rules and Guidelines
Student Eligibility
The International BioGENEius Challenges has adopted the Intel ISEF ethics statement that each student must adhere to. Students found in non‑compliance with these principles will be automatically disqualified.
"Scientific fraud and misconduct are not condoned at any level of research or competition. This includes plagiarism, forgery, use or presentation of other researchers' work as one's own, and fabrication of data. Fraudulent projects will fail to qualify for competition in affiliated fairs and the BioGENEius Challenge. The Biotechnology Institute reserves the sole right to revoke recognition of a project subsequently found to have been fraudulent."
For additional useful guidance regarding your responsibilities and the conduct of your research, see:
International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2023,
Project Guidelines
"*" indicates required fields