2024 BioGENEius Winner: Yifan Ding (Boston, MA)
Engineering of a Compact Gene Switch for Temporal Control of CRISPR Gene Editing

2023 BioGENEius Winner: Anshi Paul (Hershey, PA)
Wearable Memory Assistive Device for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Patients Using Machine Learning Facial Recognition

2022 BioGENEius WInner: Okezue Bell (Easton, PA)
A Novel Anthropomorphic Myoprosthesis for Transradial Amputees

2021 Digital BioGENEius Winner: Meena Ambati

2020 Digital BioGENEius Winner: Shreya Ramachandran

2019 BioGENEius Winner: Neil Deshmukh (Bethlehem, PA)
An Adaptive, Low-Cost Device for Offline Medical Analysis Utilizing
Neural Networks with Reinforcement Learning Optimization

2018 BioGENEius Winner: Sajeev Kohli (Waterloo, ON)
Recruiting Endogenous Proteins for Site-Specific Transport:
A Novel Workflow for Gene Carrier Design

2017 BioGENEius Winner: Erin Smith
The Development of a Low-cost, Remote, and Non-Invasive Early Detection System
for Parkinson's Disease Using Differences in Spontaneous Facial Expression

2016 BioGENEius Winners: Utkarsh Tandon (Cupertino, CA)
ARIA: Diabetic Retinopathy Prognosis via Hypertensive Modeling; ML-based Morphological Computer Vision for Rapid Ophthalmology
Jilly Cronin (Oak Park, IL)
Effects of Salinity and Temperature on Adsorption of Zinc by E. gracilis

2015 BioGENEius Winners: Anvita Gupta (Scottsdale, AZ)
Novel Therapeutics for Genetic and Infectious Diseases:
Drug Discovery Targeting Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
Han Jie (Austin) Wang (Vancouver, BC)
Identifying Genes with Roles in Power Output of
Exoelectrogenic Bacteria in Microbial Fuel Cells

2014 BioGENEius Winner: Emily Wang (Palo Alto, CA)
Illuminating Disease Pathways: Developing Bright Fluorescent Proteins
to Improve FRET Biosensing

2013 BioGENEius Winner: Natalie Ng (Cupertino, CA)
Advancing Precision Medicine: MicroRNA Prognostic Signatures and Prediction Models
for Distant Metastasis-Free Survival in Breast Cancer

2012 BioGENEius Winner: Nathan Kondamuri (Dyer, IN)
A Novel Porphyrin Based Solar Cell Combining Coordinated Metal Ion Substitution
and Self-Assembly to Broaden the Absorption Spectrum
to Efficiently Create Sustainable Electrical Energy